Home » Navigating EFI+ Premium: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Navigating EFI+ Premium: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Log in to Your EFI+ Premium Account

Welcome Aboard. Your journey begins with a warm welcome email containing your username (email address) and a default password.

Click the Login button and use these credentials to log in through the link provided or by visiting the EFI+ website. >>> (https://www.ExercisesForInjuries.net/wp-login.php)

Enter your username and password, and click the log in button. You can select the "remember me" button, allowing your computer to remember your login details. This enables automatic login whenever you access your account.

If you're having trouble logging in, don't hesitate to email us. We're here to address any issues you're facing and assist you with getting logged in smoothly.

Step 2: Explore the EFI+ Premium Content

After logging in, take some time to explore the home page. Look into the section dedicated to this month and browse through the available content. The Home Page provides monthly updates and grants access to all available content.

For instance, if you're in Month 1, you'll have access to all the content designated for that period.

Access the current month's section and browse through it. Take your time reading the materials that could be most beneficial for addressing your health issue.

Step 3: Navigate your Monthly EFI+ Premium Features

After you've chosen which month you're in, hit the 'read more' button, and all the content for that month will pop up. On the Home Page, you can select the current month you're in to discover different types of content, all packed with helpful resources to support your fitness journey.

We've got a theme for each month - like hip pain solutions in Month 1, ways to tackle shoulder issues in Month 2, and tips for knee concerns in Month 3.

(This appears once you open the Month you like)

Content Categories

This feature is also accessible from the header section, where you can quickly choose the category you wish to explore, acting as a convenient shortcut.

  • Pain-Free Pro: Discover strategies and guides focused on relieving specific areas of pain each month.
  • Fitness Fusion: Engage with various fitness content, ensuring you stay motivated and active.

  • Wellness Formula: Unlock dietary secrets with resources on nutrition and supplements for overall well-being.

  • Mindful Movements: Access resources on mindfulness and meditation to support your mental and emotional health.

Step 4: Select a Category

Choose a category you like, such as Pain-Free Pro for tips on easing pain, Fitness Fusion for fun workouts, Wellness Formula for nutrition insights, or Mindful Movements for feeling calm, and click read more.

You'll find exclusive programs grouped in this section when you click the 'read more' button under Mindful Movements. These programs are designed to assist you with gentle or mindful exercises. They aim to enhance your mind-body connection, helping you achieve a greater sense of harmony and balance.

From that selection, you can pick the program that suits your needs or matches how you're feeling today, ensuring it aligns with what you want to address or enjoy.

(This appears when you select Mindful Movements from Month 1)

By opening and reading through the content, you can gather valuable information that can be applied to support and enhance your health objectives. This process allows you to engage with the material actively, customize it according to your needs, and utilize it to serve your health goals best.

Step 5: Delve into the Featured Program Highlights

After exploring and reading through the Content Categories, you might want to check out the featured program at the bottom of the page. Each month offers a different program, allowing you to discover if something aligns with your interests or addresses your specific needs.

As an EFI+ member, you can access all the programs at no additional cost. You are invited to explore and engage with the programs available, making the most of the extensive resources available.

(This featured program is located at the bottom of the page.)

Step 6: Account Management

Check your account details, manage your settings, or get assistance via Live Chat support.

The Live Chat support feature is readily available for immediate assistance if you encounter any questions or require guidance. This tool enables you to connect with experts who can offer helpful advice, resolve any concerns, and enhance your overall experience, ensuring you make the most out of the services

This option becomes visible when you click the support button. You can type your questions into the "Search" section. If you need to contact our health and fitness team, just click on the Live Chat button in the bottom right corner, and you'll be connected to our support staff.

Step 7: Discover the EFIcyclopedia

On the homepage, you'll find the EFIcyclopedia section. By clicking on it, you'll see options for different months. Choose a month, click 'read more,' and you'll discover details about the programs featured for that period, including an introduction, videos/guides, and essential insights (other programs or treatments) on the month's focal topics.

This feature allows you to engage with content most relevant to your interests and needs at any given time.

Step 8: Access Personalized Expert Consultations and Support

As a premium member, you can access email consultations with fitness professionals and therapists who provide tailored advice and strategies specifically for you. This unique feature significantly enhances your fitness journey, offering personalized guidance to help you reach your peak fitness levels.

These consultations are valuable whether you're facing challenges, seeking expert insights, or aiming for specific health goals. They ensure you have the support and expertise to succeed on your path to optimal fitness.

Understanding EFI+ Premium Access

The EFI+ Premium is a service offered to provide users with a comprehensive suite of health and fitness resources and tools. It's aimed at individuals who want to improve their health and fitness levels, manage pain, recover from injuries, and achieve overall well-being.

The EFI+ Premium access offers unrestricted access to advanced fitness programs, consultations with experts, and a wide range of resources dedicated to preventing injuries and aiding recovery.

Tools and Features You Can Find on the EFI+ Website

The EFI+ website offers a range of tools to support users in their health and fitness journey:

  • Fitness Dashboard: Upon logging in, users access their personalized fitness dashboard, where they can explore monthly updates, featured content, and resources tailored to their access level. They can also utilize the search bar to find specific topics or resources.
  • Search Bar: Users can utilize the search bar to find specific topics, resources, or programs quickly. This feature enables them to narrow their search and access relevant content based on their interests and needs.

  • Content Sections: Users can navigate through content categories such as Pain-Free Pro, Fitness Fusion, Wellness Formula, and Mindful Movements. Each section provides specific resources, strategies, and exercises to address various health and fitness needs.

  • EFIcyclopedia: This feature is a detailed library of information offering insights, guides, and videos on managing pain, recovering from injuries, and improving overall well-being. Users can access the EFIcyclopedia to explore topics relevant to their interests and health objectives.

  • Featured Products: At the bottom of the page, users can explore featured programs. These programs cover various topics and provide opportunities to discover content that aligns with their interests and needs.

  • Professional Guidance: Premium members have the exclusive benefit of accessing email consultations with fitness professionals and therapists. These consultations provide personalized advice and strategies to address specific challenges and enhance fitness levels.

  • Live Chat Support: Users can seek immediate assistance via Live Chat support. This feature enables them to connect with experts who can offer guidance, resolve concerns, and enhance their overall experience on the website.

  • Monthly Programs: Each month, users gain access to new programs focused on addressing specific health issues or fitness goals. These programs offer a variety of exercises, techniques, and strategies to support users in achieving their desired outcomes.

  • Account Management: Users can directly manage their account details, settings, and preferences on the website. This includes updating personal information, adjusting notification settings, and accessing billing information. Additionally, users can easily find the shortcut for the cancellation and refund policy to understand their options.

Why Should You Consider Getting an EFI+ Premium?

Getting all the premium benefits of EFI+ is a significant advantage for anyone looking to boost their health and fitness. Let's explore why using the full range of EFI+ Premium benefits is essential:

  • Complete Health and Fitness Support: EFI+ Premium delivers a well-rounded approach to health and fitness, covering everything from pain management and exercise routines to nutrition advice and mental health. This all-inclusive support gives members the necessary tools to succeed in their health and fitness endeavors.
  • Personalized Content and Programs: The content and programs for premium members are designed to meet different fitness levels, preferences, and health objectives. This customization makes the programs more effective, helping members reach their goals more quickly.

  • Professional Advice: Members of EFI+ Premium can seek advice from fitness experts and therapists. This professional guidance is crucial, providing tailored strategies and solutions to tackle particular challenges, prevent injuries, and improve overall health.

  • Continuous Motivation and Participation: Premium access engages and motivates members with a steady flow of new content, challenges, and interactive features. This continuous involvement is crucial for staying consistent and achieving long-term health and fitness goals.

  • Unique Resources: Premium members can access unique resources like the EFIcyclopedia, a detailed library of information on managing pain and recovering from injuries. These resources offer deeper insights and more sophisticated strategies than what's typically available with free or basic-level access.

  • Community Support: Joining EFI+ Premium means becoming part of a community focused on health and fitness. This community provides extra support, motivation, and a platform to share experiences and advice with others on similar journeys.

  • Value for Money: Although premium access costs money, the benefits, expert advice, and comprehensive support often surpass the cost. This investment can lead to better health outcomes and possibly lower healthcare costs for those dedicated to their health and fitness.

  • Ease and Convenience: EFI+ Premium's digital format lets members access resources anytime, anywhere, making incorporating health and fitness into a busy schedule simpler. This ease of access is vital for maintaining a steady and effective fitness routine.


Using all the premium benefits of EFI+ can greatly improve the effectiveness and quality of your health and fitness journey. It offers a comprehensive, expert-supported, and community-focused path to reaching your health goals.

EFI+ premium access gives you more features than the free version. With premium, you get lots of special programs, personal advice from experts, and many resources for different health issues. This means you get the right help, which can be better for solving specific health problems and reaching your fitness goals.

“Going premium can help you take better care of your health now and avoid bigger problems later.”

EFI+ Premium provides a comprehensive suite of resources designed to enhance your well-being. Monthly, Pain-Free Pro offers in-depth strategies for managing chronic pain, while Fitness Fusion introduces diverse exercises suitable for all fitness levels. Wellness Formula unlocks secrets to balanced nutrition with expert-backed dietary content, including exciting collaborations. Mindful Movements enriches mental and emotional health through guided mindfulness and meditation.

Additionally, the EFIcyclopedia gives you exclusive access to invaluable pain management insights. Together, these resources support your physical and mental health, empowering you on your journey toward a healthier, more active lifestyle.

No hidden fees are associated with the EFI+ Premium Access beyond the stated monthly investment cost. However, please be aware that applicable taxes may be added based on your location and local tax laws.

Yes, there are two access levels for EFI+ membership.

  • EFI+ Guest Access (Free): You can explore a selection of free resources and content.
  • EFI+ Premium Access: Enjoy full access with a 14-day free trial to experience the premium offerings.

When you join EFI+ Premium Access, you get a free 14-day trial to try out all the special benefits without paying anything at first. After that, you can keep enjoying all the great features for $67.11 each month. This fee helps us support you and give you access to tools to improve your fitness journey.

If you encounter technical issues while using the EFI+ website, you can access the Live Chat support feature for immediate assistance. This feature connects you with experts who can offer guidance and resolve concerns swiftly, enhancing your overall experience and maximizing the benefits of our services.

To cancel your EFI+ Premium Access, simply email [email protected], call our toll-free number 1-888-291-2430 (USA and Canada), or send an SMS to +1 (888) 229-4992

To prevent future charges, please initiate the cancellation process at least 2 business days before your monthly Premium Access fee’s auto-renewal date.

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